
Joined: November 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234319

LaceyyLee21 Here!!

Okay, so this profile you're on right now, its Emily's. Emily is an AMAZING person! I go to her with a lot of my bigger problems, and after talking to her, I feel 100,000,000x better! Emily is the type of person you can talk to when you need someone to listen to you. She has a positive response for about anything, but she will tell you her honest opinion. Emily is my 3rd best friend. I love this girl to death! She is one of those girls you like to be around because she always makes a situation fun! Emily is 15, and a freshman at WHS. She plays a guard on the Westwood High School basketball team, and tennis! (we play some mean doubles matches together.) hahaha(: But if you're still reading this, you should leave this girl a comment, you won't regret talking to her! i promise!

                                                                                   I Love You Emily!  ~Lacey(: