
Status: "Picture,picture,smile for the picture"
Joined: October 24, 2014
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 387469
Location: Greece
Gender: F

S o p h i e
Hello!I'm Sophia and
I'm Hetalia trash.I'm obsessed with countries,
languages etc.
I also love ESC.
I can speak Greek,
English and German.
I'm learning Ancient Greek at school and
Danish from Youtube.

Sophiex*'s Favorite Quotes

Mom: What do you think? I'm made of money?
Me: Thats what  MOM stands for....
Top three lies people tell:
1) I'm on my way. 2) I'll be there in five minutes. 3) I never got that text.
wanpersowhocomes into my life by accident,& stays on purpose.
When guys get jealous
it's kinda cute (':

When girls get jealous
World war III is about to start.
Message Sent.
Kill me now.
if you called a wrong number, and the person you called was a celebrity
-Hello? Mom?
-No. This is Lady Gaga.

trust is like an eraser 

it gets smaller & smaller
[after everymistake..

you were too lazy to read that number.
bumy best didn't please you.

The only thing 

keeping us apart is me