
Joined: December 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 253185

Quotes by ImAnch0red

Girls, why are you always so down on yourselves?

It's ridiculous. You all sit there, thinking you're ugly, that you're a waste of space... I suppose it's time to tell you all that that's a blatant lie. You're worth every moment, every second, beauty is a second option. Beauty is for the shallowest of men, and those are the men you don't want to get involved with, believe me. And, here's the thing, all of you are beautiful. Whatever, you might have acne, maybe one eye bigger than the other, or maybe you're a bit too short or a bit too tall. It doesn't matter. We fall in love with personality, I mean, who would want to spend the rest of their lives with someone with an absolutely flawless face but a boring personality? Not me. Exactly.

I guess I'm probably not the most convincing of guys and maybe not the most attractive of them - but you have to take my word here. Personality is the most attractive feature a woman can ever have.

And if you ever have any problems, anything you're worried about, I'm here to get you through it. Love, love x

I need someone to talk to. Wow, boredom kills.

Why give me the option to like my status?
Of course I like my status.
I'm bloody hilarious.
And sexy.


If you support gay rights, does that mean that you're gay?
If you're a vegetarian does that mean you're a vegetable?

A strong woman is one that is able to smile when she was crying the night before.

it feels like im being forced to stay.



It's funny, because people think I'm so strong about everything when I'm not. I isolate myself from others because I'm scared of the fall when they finally let me down which I know they will. My confidence level is so low it makes it hard for me to communicate sometimes, so my shyness keeps me held in dark corners and black rooms until someone comes and lifts me off my feet again. Only to fill me with happiness and to throw me in the dirt like I'm worth nothing. I hate the life I lead if I'm being honest, so many opportunities were given to me to turn this life around. But I didn't take them because I'm afraid.

Have you ever laid in your bed and just cried and cried?Because you think you're ugly? Because you think you're not good enough for anyone? You counted all those flaws from head to toe to make you feel even worse. Cried because of all the comments people make in the hallways? Cried because your family is dysfunctional and don't care about you? That you're just a kid and you can't change anything? They tell you to be grateful because you're better off than most people, even though they don't understand what you're going through at all. You dont want to feel like an attention seeker so you bottle everything up. Around friends and family you created the lying smile and, you've used it so many times they actually believe it. But then, at night, when you're all alone in your bed, the girl who everyone thought was happy is crying her broken heart out.
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