
Joined: October 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 222804

Quotes by Iwasenchantedtomeethim_



not because she is weak.

But because she has been strong for too long.


One of the hardest things in life
is watching the person you love,
love someone else.

you laugh at me because i'm different.

___________________________&i laugh at you, because you're all the same

Did you know...
when a guy see's a girl he finds attractive
he stares at her for 8.2 seconds


I don't want to be your whole life,

just your favorite part.


It's just how she is.
Loving all the wrong people &
wishing all the wrong things.
She's tired of not being able to breathe.

But through her fake smiles and forced laughs,
she can still seem almost

i want to wake up next to you, eat
breakfast with you, get changed with
you, play computer games with you,
watching movies with you in bed, hold
your hand and watch TV, send you cute
texts, buy you gifts, nap together, wear
your comfy hoody when I'm cold, look into your
eyes, be with you at sunrise
and sunset, cook for you, walk in the rain
with you, fall asleep whilst on the phone
with you, snuggle in bed, mess up your
hair, kiss you goodnight.

This ones for you and me
livin ououdreams

we're all right where we should be

We started out as strangers.

We became friends. Then best friends.
We flirted and laughed.
We loved eachothers company.
We dated others of course and lost chances.
We gain new chances but dont know what to do anymore.
We are lost and confused and angry.
We will work it out somehow, someday.
We wont lose eachother because were holding on to tight.
We will be together
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