
Joined: November 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234339

Jamie Ryan Dee.
A.k.a Jam Jars


Where the hell am I supposed to begin? I suppose I’ll describe myself as it flows from my head, like a trail of thought so you can get an honest depiction of how I perceive myself. I’m Jamie Ryan Dee, age 16 from a small city in the Northeast of England that you’ve probably never heard of. I’m extremely open-minded but wish everyone else were too. People seem to think that I’m arrogant and conceited but I can assure you I’m the quite opposite. Although I may seem self-assured and content over the Internet, in reality I would kill for a confidence boost. When meeting new people, I’m held with the unbearable thought of ‘they already hate me’ so I undergo this repetitive pressure to attempt to justify myself as the nice person I am. People constantly ask ‘How do you deal with so much hate?’ and the answer, for me, is pretty simple. It comes with time and experience. Over the last year, I’ve established a great understanding of why these appalling people leave hate and the best ways to deal with it. Obviously, it’s not the greatest feeling in the world to read unpleasant things about yourself from people you’ve never spoken to but I will never attempt to please those who will never be pleased.  If the person saying it doesn’t matter, why should it matter what they say, right? Lastly, as cliché as this is, ‘if someone’s trying to bring you down, it’s evidently because you’re higher than them’. I will always fail to comprehend how people have these contrasting extreme opinions of me. How one person can completely ‘love’ me and the next can downright ‘hate’ me. I desire that people will realise that, although I am well known and have more followers than average, I’m not inhuman and I don’t consider myself any more significant than the next blogger on this website. In my opinion, I find it rather annoying that tumblr is changing. People are constantly asking the same questions such as ‘How do I get more followers?’ ‘Will you promote me?’ ‘How many followers do you have?’ I believe that when someone focuses so much on accumulating a large follower count, blogging becomes worthless.  You’re probably thinking that’s easy for me to say but I’ve never asked people to follow me, never been promoted and nor do I brag or even state how many followers I actually have. I find impolite, ignorant cunts intolerable. In contrast to my previous descriptions of I, at the moment, I’m not quite certain of my feelings and perspective on life. Things are a little ambiguous at this point in time, so I probably should of delayed writing this. Speaking of delay, I probably procrastinate way too excessively. Constantly putting things off. I don’t get enough sleep; I don’t eat enough of the right food. I drink too much coffee and sometimes I’m distant and isolated but that’s probably adapted behaviour to protect myself. I drag through the week in hope of a satisfying weekend. I plan on going to a college in a different city, fresh start and all that shit, blah blah. Regarding myself, what you see probably isn’t what you get.  I hate arrogance; it’s the biggest turn off ever. I seldom make friends on the Internet, I just don’t know who is genuine anymore. You probably can’t imagine how annoying it is to talk with someone and half way through they start asking for promotion. Overall, I am a friendly guy. And I love making new friends. Don't be shy, talk to me. 


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