
Joined: February 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270041
Haiii my names Janelle
I'm 16 years old, and currently a sophomore at Vista Grande High School
Drumline is my life and passion
I absolutly adore acoustic music, when i hear it my heart just melts♥
I'm new to witty profiles, but one of my bestest friends showed me this amazing site
I live in a fairy tale and music is my life 
I know what it feels like to be in love i was only in love twice, but it's a great feeling♥
 But yes, i have had my heat broken more then once and its harder everytime</3
But i know one day ill find my prince charming

Yes, i am very picky about who i date, but not picky about who i'm friends with:) 
So get to know me yea♥
p.s. My friend says i give people hope because she does
"Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply aweful♥"

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