
Joined: November 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 136649

Im Joni. I laugh way to much. Im loud. I dont know my inside voice very well. I cant stand people who lie to my face. I cuss like a sailor. I act and love theatre.  Leadership is a first language to me.

 ~*~Be the CHANGE you wish to see in THE WORLD~*~

Quote Comments by JoniBoo94

JoniBoo94 1 decade ago on quote #3385302
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I can completely relate to you girl. But the thing is, you'll never replace your first love. Thats just a sucky part of life. But give this new boyfriend of yours a chance, you never know what is going to happen. I'd be two faced if I said to let go of this guy, but maybe get a break for a wee bit? I did with my first love once he broke my heart, and we're actually good friends now. Dont ever forget someone who broke your heart, because it will only make you stronger in the long run. Might I suggest listening to "Best Thing I Never Had" By Beyonce? :]
Much Love Witty Sister!! <3
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JoniBoo94 1 decade ago on quote #3358795
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No sadly. When we broke up, he went to her. But then he cheated on her with me.
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JoniBoo94 1 decade ago on quote #3334991
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But my Ex just got back with his ex girlfriend and it has been really bugging me lately. It only legitly happened yesterday, yet he says they've been dating since the 4th. The real kicker? He said he loved me a few days before then, and always seems to lie to me. He's ruiened my life up till now, and I dont know what to do. Help??
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JoniBoo94 1 decade ago on quote #3334991
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Hey soooo Im 17, so I hope I dont act stupid asking this...
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JoniBoo94 1 decade ago on quote #2394102
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