
Joined: January 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146105

Spongebob Wonderbread Lover. (:
My name is Joanna, and my bestfriend Tina shares this account with me becasue I forgot my username (: . I try to live ife to the fullest but theres always someonee who screws me over. I wear tons of braclets, and love changing up my hair everytime. I spend 90% listening to music that really gets to me. Ussually, I prefer something that makes me get up and dance, but now, becasue I have been having arguments with my parents alot, and problems with friends, that i cant even call friends anymore, and my ex boyfreind, whos just hell of  guy, i started listening to Adele and songs in that kind of theme. I truly Believe that Josh Ramsy will be my husband, Becaause Marianas Trench makes phenomenal music. I also spend TONS of time writing books,thoughts,and concerns. Im a big public speaker becasue Im good when it comes to language and getting the message out and across (; I love to travle and talk back to people. But i ussualy dont becasue the stuff that I think is just to wild to say (: I never wear make up, But im always paying alot of attention to what I wear. Even though most of the time i change my style up everyday, and wear it to make ME happy. Not the loser that wont date me anymore. My favourite colours black and number 9. I gave up on swimming and dance. Even though my heart flutters whenever I see someone dance Break Dance or Hiphop, or watch a movie like Step Up. ♥ I wish i could sing. No ones ever heard me, becasue I dont try to  sing when Im with friends. But im decent if I try. I get Frustrated easily. I start Trustng easily, but the person I open up to always seems to backstab me. I like being alone. I like the nights better then the day. Im actually quite amazing if you get to know me ;p. If your my freind, and I know you wont bail on me, ill treat you like a sister,becasue i fucking treasure anyone who dosent act like everyone else. Im originally from Latvia, I grew up on the beach.. now i live in Canada, missing my carefree childhood. When I grow up I really want to live in a big city.  I have so much more to say, but to those who took their time reading this, thank you SO much, becasue sometimes  I feel like everythings done against me and meant to hurt me. ♥

Quotes by JustSmile7

Home Alone 
Means pooping with the door open!



I hope you realize 

it was your fault.

notmyformat (:

stolen from a 5 year oldnotmine
What is purple and has 6 legs?

A grape,
I lied about the legs. (:

For that one second...
You remember all the good times.
But, then.
R E A L I T Y hits you in the face.,
and you remember the real face behind the mask.




Before wanting to get anywhere in life;;

You have to be happy with the person your going to spend all the time with.

Thats Yourself.

Credits to Marisa <3



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_____^ National sign language for ' I Love You'

I show this to random people, hoping that someone knows what it means.
and maybe just
maybe. it'll brighten someones day. (:


Format and sign thanks to MidnightAngelz


 Mymiddle Finger

Gets a bonerwhenIseeyou



Not my Format
I have no idea how to do the format thingy on quotes...can someone please help me?
I'm so so so confused. :(
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