
Joined: July 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 193717

Quotes by Katiexoxo

I may not be perfect for you and i know your not the right guy for me but i know how to say no and move on from a person even though it may seem hard even if you have been friends with them for awhile then start growing feelings for them and then things don't work out but in the end i will always be there when you need a friend even if were not in each others lives anymore, i am still going to have you in my heart. <3

I'm done trying, I'm done wasting my time with you, why should i pretend to be somebody I'm not just for you? I'm so sick of you blaming me for everything, I don't have to listen to you, i don't have to worry about being unfaithful to you, I DON'T CARE anymore. yeah i still care about you always will, but this time i mean it.


so you are breaking my heart even more then you did before, you said we were don't, but now the pain is back and its hurting more then ever, i never thought saying goodbye would hurt so bad </3
Everywhere I can't control my feelings for you or anyone, we liked each other and gave it a shot, but now we are not even talking.

sometimes i just wait till the day when he realizes what he did was wrong, but until then i don't trust or want anything to do with you, you hurt me, you aren't the guy who i thought you would be.
everything happens for the better, and i am going to MOVE on and find someone i DESERVE. so this is a goodbye for a long time.

sometimes you need to follow your heart, no matter how hard it might be, in my eyes i see someone who has strength even when your heart has had enough and you feel like giving up. but just remember I'll always be by your side, i see a reflection of who i am and what i should be, i don't want to be alone, please don't leave me with a broken heart. I'm falling faster I'm walking on ashes, take my bad dreams away from me, i cant move on I'm walking in circles, my thoughts are scrambled into pieces i don't know what to think. can you please try to put my heart back together? its killing me inside.... </3

a good friend knows your past accepts your present and believes in your future<3