
Joined: February 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 155523
Hello, my name is Kaytee.  I love to sing and write songs. I love to surf, ripstick, skateboard, and play basketball.. I have blonde hair, blueish-green eyes. i am 5"4'!!!!! (:

Quotes by Kaytee5968

FaVoRiTe if you have ever had a broken HeArT):   </3

D e a r n o a h ,
It's ok, we caught the train to Hogwarts instead.

Sincerely, Unicorns and Dragons

*not my format*


>snack wrapper<

that won't open no matter what youdo.
A child says to his mom, 
"Mommy, I colored your sheets with lipstick." 
In anger, she starts to hit her child until he was unconscious.
Then she regrets what she has done, crying, she says to her child,
"please open your eyes," but it was too late.
His tiny heart had stopped beating.
When she walked into her bedroom, the sheet said,
Favorite if you're against child abuse.

If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you.

Seeinlittle boy
and thinkning when you get older you gunna be sexy beast! <3

it's true that we don't know what we've got until we looseee it,
but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.<33
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

*mom calls your name*
you: yeah ?

you: YEAH ?!?!?!
you: wtf..*sighs & gets up to see what she wants*
So...I broke up with my boyfiend..(worst mistake)...and two days later i txt him im sorry i want you back....no answer..later that day my best friend texted me "tyler just askd me out!" i say no way! she goes yus! i tt him again saying i want you back...he says okay..im alllll happy...the next moring i text him saying heyy babbyyy...he says..ummm....im going out with madi now(my best friend)...i cry and cry say why? he said she asked me out..i call her, she says she didnt...my enemie..madis friend..asked him out for her...i tell him..she breaks up with him..asks him out again 2 days later..he wont take her back...she blames ME. we dont talk anymore...EVER.
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