
Joined: June 9, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 50717


Quotes by KeishaXo220

sometimes, i believe he secretly likes
me. but other times... i believe that all
we will ever be, is just friends <3

just tell me, do you feel the same way about me
that i feel about you? if not, can you please stop
leading me on.. im tired of being broken hearted

and what really ticks me off is that no
matter how many times i wish at 11:11
my wish never comes true <3
your only the best thing thats ever happened to me
and im only going to love you til the end of time; <3
no guts;
no glory <3

you life my feet off the ground,
spin me around; you make me
crazier, crazier; feels like im falling
and i'm.. lost in your eyes, you make
me crazier, crazier, crazier.. <3
and your slow shaking finger tips show
that your scared like me so lets pretend
we're alone. and i know you may be scared
and i know we're
but i dont care

tell me tell me what makes you think
that you are
, i can see it in
your eyes that your so sure. please dont
tell me that im the only one thats
now what was i thinking?
did i think this was fairy tail?
i guess not considering that
i didnt get my cinderella story<3
i know im just wasting my time;
you'll never love me the way i love you
i can almost see it, that dream i'm dreaming but
there's a voice inside my head saying;
you'll never reach it.. every step I'm taking,
every move I make feels, lost with no direction
my faith is shaking but i.. i got to keep trying
got to
keep my head held high <3
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