
Joined: October 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 223966

KissKiss101's Favorite Quotes

that awkward moment
when a quote sounds way better in your head

format by XxprettixX

of the boys in the world are cute
the other 1% go to my school......


my mom must be so proud

{She gave birth to a sexy beast}

Hate Mondays   
Annoy Tuesdays  
Ignore Wednesdays   
Smile Thursdays  
Love Fridays        
Enjoy Saturdays  
Damn Sundays   ♥ fgd

A no is a 
v                                                                      delayed yes  :)

Format by Sandrasaurus

We are the perfect couple.
We’re just not in the perfect situation.


credit; beachylove ashleymclovin



That feeling
you get when he says your name.


the amazing moment when
        you come up short at the cash     register and they tell you,  "don't worry about it."

This quote does not exist.

i will love you until
the squierl from ice age gets his acorn