
Joined: August 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206704
Location: TEXAS :)
Gender: F

16     Loves sports and music    I <3 FOOD   

Quotes by Krunk_Zebra

"Was that lightning?" No... they're taking pictures for google earth.
Why is there a "D" in fridge, but not in Refrigerator?
The hardest things to say are the ones that mean the most.
I remember when this kid in my 8th grade class put a paper clip in a outlet... all I have to say is LMFAO
I remember when this kid in my 8th grade class put a paper clip in a outlet... all I have to say is LMFAO
Crazy girlfriend + Crazy boyfriend = Bipolar love
TWITTER : Thoughts Which I Think They Enjoy Reading
The awkward moment when you are trying to get over someone you never even dated.
You remind me of a penny, because you're two faced and worthless.
I remember when staying up until midnight was hard to do, now its a bad habit.
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