
Status: If you asked me to describe him in one word, I would say, "Perfection."
Joined: April 5, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 289585
Location: USA
Gender: F
Hiya, stranger! Welcome to my page.

Quotes by LadyMarisa50

I'm sorry if I ever make you doubt that I love you

I miss you

just isn't enough

to make everything okay again
" If you're reading this . . .
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
Then I don't know what is. "

~Chad Sugg~
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do...
About you now.

You know how people say love stories

are only in movies?

Yeah, well, they're in reality, too :)
"Oh, being arrested for being just too sexy was not on my agenda today.."

-Des from Des & Nate
I'd give you everything

If you'd only give me the chance
Sometimes the best medicine is to just let go
I loved him too much to regret it.
So, I was thinking today . . .
I came to the conclusion that I didn't like the world anymore. I figured that there's more sorrow than there is happiness. I decided that if I were to die right at that moment, I wouldn't really care; at least when I'm dead I'd finally be able to find  peace.

And then later on in the day as I was sitting in my car, staring out the window, I saw a funny-looking cloud. I smiled. Then, I saw a huge, beautiful tree. Then, an empty field. That's when I realized that there's so much beauty in the world. I realized that the littlest things can make a person feel so happy. Those kisses you get from the guy you love? Yeah, that's pretty amazing. But you know what's also amazing? Nature. The thing the human race has been  f*cking with / destroying for centuries. 
I'm a very indecisive person. But one thing I know for sure, one thing I will never change my mind about is that nature is more beautiful than anything.