
Joined: April 5, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 72578

Quotes by LeLx3000

Biggest Lie #2

"oh sorry,
that was my last piece of gum"
Biggest Lie #1

I love you.

possible series?

rate =]


&+ Every night i wonder

Does he f e e l the same way i do?
Does he t h i n k of me when he goes to sleep?
What  he t h i n k s when he sees me.

 &+ Every night i wish

That he relizes that i'm the one he should like.
That he thinks of me every night before he falls asleep.
That he thinks im the most amazing thing that he has ever seen.

all mine :]

hope u like <3
The glass
is neither half-full nor half-empty

 it’s just twice as big as it needs to be.

If YoUr SiNgLe:

"Im a single pringle ready to mingle"

If YoUr TaKeN:

"Im a taken baken ready for shaken"

different friends made this up  im pretty suree  =]


 Seseme Street changes:

The Cookie Monster to The Veggie Monster  
Big Bird to Tall Bird..... 

you know the show is kinda pushing the whole
"America Is Obese"

^^haha made this up^^ comment if you agree =]

&& Sometimes...

the hardest thing to do,
is the right thing.

Maybe its not my weekend,
but its gonna be my year,
I'm so sick of,
watching while the minutes p a s s,
as I go   n~o~w~h~e~r~e,
this is my reaction,
to everything I fear,
'cause I've been going CrAzY,
I don't want to waste another minute here. 


-weightless, all time low

love this song<3    credit:  colors and set up

Don't judge someone,

without walking a mile in their shoes.

But, if u still don't like them...

at least your a mile  a w a y from them...    and have thier shoes

^^my cousing made it up^^ thought it was funny

LiFe Is ShOrT,

so live it to the fullest,

and have no regrets <3

^^all mine =]^^


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