
Joined: January 1, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 43141
hey yall the names maddy, dont ask why my username is libby i made this thing l      like      a    million years ago and well never really can remember why i put it on, anyways i usually dont go on the computer much but i guess since we got this really awesome one i will go on more often. i play softball and well thats just about it.  [: my life is very very very exciting isnt it? ohhh yeah and the best best person in the whole world is ashleigh! i dont know what i would do with out you! weve have soo many good times it would take forever to write them all down.. sides.. half of them are hard to remeber cuase 5 secounds after the first one a million follow [: love ya!

Quotes by Libby

I feel the
Washington Redskins
have  disappointed me
on a *(personal)* level

I*(Honestly)* Promise that Forever means Forever

it it was any easier then it would be baseball.... and i couldent agree more.   anybody can pitch a ball over hand, but it takes true talent to wind up and make a perfect pitch UNDER HAND. where just like cheerleaders, yet some what better. we cheer untill we have not one breath left, we dont care though whether our hair is perfect, we love to get dirty and dont dare wear makeup if we can help it, its more then hitting a ball and running in a circle, just like other sports, its passion, determinatoin, and over all a love for the game. the rush of hitting the ball with all your might and knowing you just scared the crap out of the short stop as you round  first. the people who have been playing forever or just starting out are all part of our amazing family, we are all rivals who share one thing in common....The love for Softball The drama!! oh my god the drama is amazing! so much competion going on. the feeling of running and catching those"there is no way she will catch that" ball. i dont know what it feels like to score a goal, or finish a track race thing, or fly through the air trusting the people below will catch you. but the excitment is overwhelming. so much blood, so much sweat, and so many tears, all make up for a perfectly dirty afternoon where you feel like passing out and screaming at your coaches, but after its all done you love them for pushing you, and we wouldent have it any other way
it it were any easier, it would be considered baseball.

dancers wear the spandex
cheerleaders love to cheer
track members get to sprint
and soccer gets the dare.
but softball...
wears the spandex, always stained with dirt
we yell and cheer until were hoarse
we run around the bases over again
and live on the edge sliding and diving into dirt.
Softball will NEVER be just a game, but a dirty, screaming, hurting, daring...PASSION....always
I hate how everybody says.
"its not fair, guys dont get periods or anything!"
And i think.
"yeah,  cuase thats what all need is for a whole bunch of  250 pound guys running around complaining about their  feelings."

*totally and completely mine
Dont Feed The CAMEL!!!

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from Playing   the   Game   
Never  take life  seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

If practice makes Perfect and nobody's perfect then why practice?

I dont suffer from insanity, i Enjoy every minute of it!!!