
Joined: July 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 194918
Hey guys(: I'm 15 and I love witty softball and filed hockey Well okay that's all you need to know(:

Live_to_love14's Favorite Quotes

                             I  d i d n ' t                              t h i n k              [x]   [x]   [x]              
  it was possible 
                             t o     t h i n k     o f       s o m e o n e        s o   m u c h 

 Say the opposite of these words:

1) Always

2) Coming

3) From

4) Take

5) Me

6) Down

I want to kiss you.
I want it to be that type of kiss
that leaves both of us breathless.
The type that makes us look into each other’s eyes in disbelief,
and then just smile afterwards.
I really don’t mind where it happens,
I just need to feel your lips on mine because they’ve given me
the best conversations of my life
and we’ll be going our separate ways soon.
I’m going to miss you.

Just do this with me, while we have the chance.
No regrets.


It is sad that sometimes,
we are only given a few minutes to be
with someone we love
and we get a thousand hours to spend thinking of them...


I’m never the one who gets called first.
I’m never the best friend.
I’m never the one someone falls in love with.
I’m never the best at school.
I’m never the funniest person.
I’m never the most entertaining person at parties.
I’m never the one someone tells a story first.

I just exist.


President Obama
wiping away tears in press conference. Today he wasn't a
politician, a democrat, or a president. Today: He was a Dad.
If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them
or brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else.

When I get jealous.
It’s more than just a word.
It’s a whole different kind of feeling.
I get a knot in my stomach.
I can barely even speak because I’m too hurt for words.
I try to find other things to get my mind off of the situation,
but I can’t.
I replay whatever’s making me jealous
over and over in my head.
I doubt everything.
I feel like crying, but I don’t want to cry
over a misunderstanding.


Her mind
“No, he is nothing more than a friend.
You have nothing more than this friendship,
and it will never turn to something more in the future.
Stop. Just stop.
He is not worth getting yourself heartbroken.
He is not worth the risk.
If he saw my pain, he would want me to stop.
Our happiness is more important.”

Her heart
“He is worth getting hurt over.
He is the world to me, and
someday I will be the world to him.
I am not lying to myself, nor am I in denial.
I am in love.
My happiness is his smile, his laughter, and his presence.
My happiness is the hope that
he will fall for me as hard as I’m falling for him.
He is worth the risk.”


Dont you ever have that desire
to just crawl into someone’s arms?
To rest your head onto their shoulder
and just stay there for the longest time.
To have their arms wrapped around you
and your arms around their waist and
just pull their body closer to yours.
To feel the warmth of their body,
the beating of their heart.
To entwine your legs with theirs
and to keep each other’s feet warm.
To have someone so close to you
that their scent becomes one with yours.
To be whispered sweet nothings into your ears.
To have every inch of your skin touching theirs.
To be loved emotionally and physically in the most innocent way.

To be held together by someone,
preventing you to shatter into pieces.

I think everyone could use some of that.