
Joined: December 15, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 96012
im angela;
I've got some issues that nobody can see
And all of these emtions are pouring out of me
I bring them to the light for you
It's only right
This is the soundtrack to my life; the soundtrack to MY LIFE.<3

sports are my liifee [softball,basketball,volleyball];
i wouldn't be able to live without my best frienndss<3;
my family means the world to me;
musiicc is my obsession;
i looovvveeee my guyyss but i HATE boyyss that are douchbags;
some lyricss can just completely tell my whole life storyy;
i love musiicc;

I've got 99 problems &+ they all bitches.

LiV3iT ;; LoV3iT.<3

Team Long Island 97 #11
Softball is MY LIFE.<3

Quotes by LoV3iTxLiV3iT

Guys: Put your hands around her waist firmly

Girls: lay your head back on his shoulder and put your arms on his.

Guys: whisper in her ear

Girls: giggle

Girls: whenever he tries to kiss you, don't just let him, kiss him back!

Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold

Guys: automatically move closer to her. (if your stupid then you'll either say "me too" or you'll give her your jacket... don't)

Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder

Guys: lift her chin up and kiss her

Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... and mean it!

Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat

Guys: whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers!

Now make a wish about something you would like to happen between you and your crush 



now copy and repost this if you don't you'll have bad relationships for 69 years

by 12pm tonight ur 1 true love will realize how

much they want

30 daayy challannge ! :}}}
Day 2 - Initals of the person you've loved for the longestt
JohnHengge...  forever

Name: Angela
Birthday: June 9th

Current Location: My bedroom.
Current Mood: Happy in a way, but sad.. Mixed emotions.

Flower: Roses
Color: Blue.
Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings
Store: I don't knoww.
Shoe: Nike/jordans
Animal: doggiiess
Drink: Mountain Dew or pepsii cherrryy


This That or Both:
Summer or Winter: Summer.
Shoes or Purse: Shoes.
Jeans or Skirt: Jeans.
Showers or Baths: showers
Rich or Famous: rich, i dont want people knowing bout my life
Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds.
Ke$ha or Lady Gaga: i dont rlly care
Yoga or Sports: Sports.
Jacuzzi or Pool: poolll
Pink or Blue: Blue.
White or Black: Black.
Real tan or Tanning beds: Real Tan.
Preppy or Gothic: I don't like labels.
Eyeliner or Mascara: botthh
Lip Gloss or Lipstick: boothh

Taken or Single: singgllee
Relationships or Flings: eithherr
What's more important looks or personality: Personality. but looks help
Longest relationship: 2montthhs
Shortest relationship: 2 houurss
Crush?: undecidedd
Do they know you like them: i dont evn kno
Do you believe in soulmates: Uhm, In a way.
Do you like romantic guys: Yeah.
Flowers or candy? Both.
Have you been in love: not sure what love is
Did it work out: eh
Has any guy ever cheated on you: prob/
Have you ever cheated: Never have, never will.

Who's your best friend: katie,nicole,joanna,brett,ryan,cole,jake,mike,david<3 lol mycrew;]
Do you tell him/her everything: Yeah :)
Is this person number 1 on your friends list: idkk
Would you do anything for him/her: Yeah :)
Can you be yourself in front of him/her: Totally.

im afraid of  18 of the 72 most common fears... im normal ;] that's a first lol
[ ] the dark
[ ] staying single forever
[x] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others.
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] deep water
[ ] snakes
[ ] silk
[ ] the ocean
[x] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[ ] rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[ ] heaven
[x] being robbed
[ ] falling
[x] clowns
[ ] dolls
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibilities
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[ ] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts aka spirits or dead souls
[x] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[x] being alone
 [x] becoming blind
[ x] becoming deaf
[x] growing up
[x] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[ ] dinosaurs
[ ] the welcome mat
[ ] high speed
[x] throwing up
[x] falling in love
[ ] super secrets

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars

I argue with him like he's my brother. 
flirt with him like the friend that he is.
But I love him like he's the only one for me.

even with all my imperfections ;;
he still loves me & that`s why
[[ i love him too <3 ]]

if i had nothing but you ...
i'd still have everything i've 
ever wanted ]

founndd somewhheree&looveiitt;]]

4 letter word, that no one can define that is making all teenage girls crazy..*_love<3

aallminnee;p ddon't takke crediit foorr

- He stares at you a lot
- He hits you a lot(playfully)

- He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a 
converstaion with you
- He yelled, "HI" to your mom that day she picked you up from school
- He blew off his buds to go see "Brown Sugar" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone
-  He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process

-  His voice gets softer when ever you two talk
-  You hung up on him. He called you back
-  You where invited by him to a group outin
- He called you to talk about nothing at all.

-  He imitates your laugh Which makes you laugh even harder
- He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation
-  He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
- He uses every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, etc.
Now make a wish. > >>
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Ok stop!!
Your wish will come true if you repost this
If you don't repost this then you will never get asked out 
or you will lose the one you love!

Repost this in 15 min and your wish will come true in 5 days. Repost this in 10 min and your wish will come true in 3 days. Repost this in 5 min and your wish will come true in 1 day 
[A]VAILABLE: yyuuupp(;
B]IRTHDAY: Junee9th
D]RINK YOU LAST HAD: snaaplllee
E]ASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: joannaa; destinnyy; daviidd; brett; & maatt
F]AVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC: everythinnng (;
H]OMETOWN: brenttwoood
I]NSTRUMENT(s): noneeee
J]UICE: apple(;
ONE: nevveer
O]NE WISH: don't rlly know
P]ERSON WHO CALLED YOU LAST: weeezzyy n babbyy<3
S]ONG YOU LAST HEARD: moneyy makerr;]
T]IME YOU WOKE UP?: 6:21 but then went back to sleep till 11:23
U]MBRELLA: underr mmyy umbrella ella ella aye aye aye
V]EGETABLE(S): any, dont rlly care
W]EARING: nothing;] jkk bathing suit w a tank top n short shorts over it
X]-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: ankllee
Z]ODIAC SIGN: geminii