
Joined: November 21, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 94115

Im taken by Cornell,
He could be the one no wait.

Quotes by LoveDrunkxoxo77


Dream Boyfriend
--   Give her your hoodie even though you go to different schools
-     Give her your big t-shirt to sleep in at night.
-    Leave her cute messages on her cell phone or home phone <3
     Kiss her in front of your friends & her friends
-    Tell her she looks beautiful all the time & tell her the truth when she doesn’t look her best.
-    When she talks to you look right into her eyes, and respond to her.
-     Let her mess around with your hair.
-    Just walk around with her & go to places where ever she wants to go with you.
-     Forgive her for the mistakes she did & the future mistakes for what she probably will do.
-    Always hold her hand, when you’re with your friends or with her friends AND in private.
-     Let her fall asleep in your arms when she’s tired & carry her to her bed.
-     Stay with her all night when she is sick, & help her out.
-     Watch her favorite movies with her even though you hate it.
-  Surprise her by coming up behind her waist & grabbing it & twirl her around.
-    Don’t talk about other girls around her because that makes her feel unwanted & thinks your cheating on her.
-    If you really love her others SHOULDN’T matter: friends, family, other people no one should.
-    When she’s sad hang around with her & just make her smile.
-    Let her know she is important & you want to be with her forever.
-    Kiss her in the pouring rain, like A Cinderella Story.
-    If you love her keep reminder that you love her so she doesn’t fell unwanted.
-    When you tell her you love her, tell her that you love her more than you loved anyone else in the world before.
-    Answer her phone calls no matter what.
-    <3 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Not mine just made it my own colors.

When i first met u a feeling
Burst inside
Something precious stood before me
I just didnt realize
That you would be the one for me
For all the rest of time
This thing in life that is just so priceless I just had to make u mine
for all the end of time
U have an inocent face
And a smile that lights up a room
Ur body just so perfect
I knew u were the one
U touched my heart
And made a feel great
And now i realize u were not fake
U were sent just for me in this
Special little way
Ur my true love
Thinking of being with u every
Moment in time
Makes me feel so right

Now.He.Is.The.SexiWaarewolf from.
Twilight.New Moon.Eclpise.&BrakinDawn. ♥

Me + You , Ima Tell You One Time ...
Justin Bieber's lyrics , only if they were true
Cause it would count for me & you . <3 ♥