
Joined: October 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 232976

Comments by MaddieRose

MaddieRose 1 decade ago to The_Witty_Therapist
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Well, I feel like my friends don't care because I'm never good enough for them, I'm always the back up friend, nothing I do is good enough. I think my parents expect so much because I'm the only one of their kids with an actual potenitial for an education. And I'm having so many problems staying strong..
MaddieRose 1 decade ago to KylahJean
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Kylah! I love you tuns, and you're uber purtyy! You're my best friend, and you're pretty much the only reason that I'm still alive. You're ALWAYS there for me, and for that I thank you. (:
MaddieRose 1 decade ago to The_Witty_Therapist
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I really need someone to talk to who won't judge me. None of my friends really care, they just like to put on a show for everyone else. My parents expect me to be capable to do more than I can, and I am sad all the time. I try to be happy, but I never am. I just need someone to talk to who won't judge..