
Joined: May 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 298948
When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be aweosme instead- Barney Stinson

MadelineSxo's Favorite Quotes

Mom: Who are you texting?
Me: Someone.
Mom: Why can't you tell me?
Me: A boy.
Mom: What's his name? Is he your boyfriend? He likes you right?
Me: Nooo mom, we're just friends.
Mom: I think he likes you.
Me: -_-

Anyone elses mom do this?

Call me.
Fck this 'maybe' sh/t.♥

Dyan and Cole Sprouse are 20
Feel old yet?


Josh: You know that closet in the hall?
Drake: The hall closet?
Josh: That's the one.