
Status: Spreading The Love
Joined: November 9, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 374600
Location: New York
Gender: F
Make Today Great.

Hello Internet ! This profile was simply made to make you, yes you, smile. Yep you guessed it, this is  Compliments profile, but not just

any compliments profile, I'm going to try my absolute best to try to make each and everyone of you reading this smile, giggle, just simply

be happy ! But you have to help out too. To make this work, you have to do a little something I like to call Spreading the love. What you

do is just write a comment consisting of a wittian's username and what you would like me to compliment or tell them. You could do this,

or if you don't have anyone in mind, maybe you could make a quote about my profile saying about how I am a compliments profile, and

would love to get in some request, and tag your quote with SpreadingTheLove. See ? Easy. Now tell me, are YOU going to make today

great ?

Much love, Xoxo, complimentor <3

Quotes by Mondays

Hello everyone, this is an introduction quote to this compliments profile. I do already have a witty profile, hint: it's username is also the name of a weekday. This profile is for compliments, so I will take request for compliments for someone else, and I will compliments people by my self. This profile is blantly created to bring smiles to someone's face and have them happy, even if it is just for  a moment. So please, send in request so I can compliment your friend, And I can either keep you anon, or tell them that you sent it to them. As always, be happy and smile!
Format by Breeze