
Joined: April 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 168055

Quote Comments by NSforlife04

NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2382250
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To jobecca 97! You can't call yourself a Christian either then because Christians believe god made people so why would god make gays if being gay is wrong. Also don't sit here and accuse/criticize people about personal believes. If god loves you he won't care if your gay lesbian bisexual transvestite transgender hermafridite or anything else you can think of so shut the up and let people live the life they/god chose okay thanks.
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #1679327
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It's not that hard to read.. By then again I am a ninja
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2863085
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If they hate you they are not best friends. I know what it feels like to hear them whispering as you walk by them and feeling their eyes burning into your back as you pass them but forget them hold your head high and don't even look at them it will give them satisfaction. Hold onto "you" and don't let go because they obviously care about you I'm sure other people would be devastated if you died to so stay strong it will pass.
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2756320
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He's just a guy writing quotes. He didn't do and didn't ruin witty like these dumb girls are saying it's their fault..personal opinion
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2746951
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You guys are kind of . Stop hating him what did he do. You guys are the ones making him such a big deal. Just shut up maybe ever think of that one?
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2801903
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yea... we dead
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2801702
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It's her choice if she wants to do. That sort of thing. Maybe school wouldn't be the best place might want to find another place... But if you like it then whatever do what you want but make sure he doesn't go to far and be safe!
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2775692
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Ways to help are quit cold turkey but only3% have a success rate with that so not likely. She should only buy one pack at a time so everytime she runs out it will be a reminder that she is trying to stop and will require energy to go buy another one also don't cary a lighter another reminder of quiting. She can buy low nicotine and tar cigs to. Medical help may be worth looking into or chantax? Jeez that took a while to type haha this is all the things i have learned from health so credit to mr.o'neil. Remind her of all the cancers youn can get from them and how horrible second hand smoke is for you. Look up leukoplakia and show her, she could get this..Remember after 28 days the worst is over and addiction is broken so hold on! I hope this helps you and your mom(:
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2775703
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They wouldn't be happy if you were gone..eerytime they fight just think of all the times you made them smile and try to think of more ways to do it again(:
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2775775
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Lucky. Don't let him go cause a boy like that once lost is hard to find again. Hold on tight.
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2772709
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Same thing I said! People told me he is a canadian hockey player? Apperantly really hot(:
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2775776
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So why can't there be a million other guys like you? No we get the jerks..
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2737177
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Not true at all..
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NSforlife04 1 decade ago on quote #2743238
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what a doll!
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