INeedFriends >.< *

Status: Hug me c:
Joined: October 6, 2014
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: November 25
user id: 387071
Location: Finding Nemo:D
Gender: F

I don't like people

I just like pokemon

^ Yes that explains my whole life ._.

Hewwo :3 Welcome to my Profile.
Sorry it's to Pokemonish XD
I'm just inlove with Pikachu omg >.<
He's so adorablee.
My name be Jade<3
I'm 14 years of agee.
And like I have no friends.
I'm so awkward sowwy.
If you love Pikachu/Pokemon
or you are awkward like me
then we are offically best fwendsss.

Message me. c: 
I'd love to make 1 friend at least XD

Quotes by INeedFriends >.< *

Friends are like cows- If you eat them they die xD