
Joined: November 8, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93154
The names Nicole. I've had previous accounts you might recognize me from, but I wanted to get a fresh start. Too bad you can't do that in life.
I make common quotes many you probably have heard but I do not jock quotes, & if you have one that I made or anything like that just comment me, I will be more than happy to delete it for you, I know how it feels. Trust me.

I am currently single, & have that special place in my heart for that one boy.

I am in deeep love with Twilight and read the whole series and am working on it for the second time :) Team Edward! Sorry I luv ya jake but not as much :) I also love emmett and jasper, they need a lil love too :)

love music, I wouldn't be here today without it.
I play basketball love itt& am quite good.
I also run track & love that too.
I am very athletic; you probably already figured that out.
So comment/favorite/ & follow me& I will try to do the same to you.

----> Nicole.

This month's question:

What did you guys think of New Moon?
I loved it but like always the book was better :) 

Comments by PinkXx662

PinkXx662 1 decade ago to ilessthanthreezach
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new account is pinkxx662.