
Joined: January 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265542

The names Diego Garcia :)
Secretely obsessed with The Hunger Games and Nicki Minaj
Want to know more? just ask!


Pucket789's Favorite Quotes


"The human life is made up of choices.

Yes or no.

               In or out.

Up or down.

And then there are the choices that matter.

Love or hate.

To be a hero or to be a coward.

To fight or to give in.

To live. Or die. Live or die.

That's the important choice.

And it's not always in our hands."

                                                 Grey's Anatomy

This quote does not exist.

Screamed Like a Little girl when the Hunger Games Started at 12:02

Even though im a guy D:

     Am I the only male who Enjoys        

The Hunger Games? <3