
Joined: August 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 209685

Status: Smileitsjess is my bestfriend forever and i love her withh alll my heart <33333333333333333333(:
Hi. Im Ryan & im 12. I go to ASFMS in 7th grade My bestfriend is Jess (smileitsjess) and i love her well thats it goodbye! Follow me!

facebook ---- my bestfriend:))----

The Infamous Middle Finger

Ryanlikestopartay's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
Happy Hunger Games!
And may the odds be ever in your favor!

This quote does not exist.

I was watching a video where people were putting out a fire. One of the guys say
"we need to use water!" 

& I was  just sitting there like...
no, you need to use puppies.

jingle bells,
facebook smells

twitter go away,
myspace- yuck
bing sucks,
witty all the way!

conversation, since the first time we locked eyes; all I've ever wanted is

 f r   o u   o   e   m i e   


like everyone else,
you gave up on me. </3

you may hold my hand for a while,
but you hold my heart forever.

You never know what you have
utill you clean your room...

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