
Joined: July 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 198745
Shooting Star Advice
Do you need advice? Do you need to vent? Do you need someone that will listen?
You can tell me anything, with the security of knowing that any information you send me will never be shared with anyone.
I will give the best advice I can, or the best reply I can to you're vent.
Think of me as you diary. Only better.
You can post on my profile you're issue or vent. It will be replied to and deleted after I am finished. (Just so you know, if you post onto my profile, there may be a chance someone will see it if I am not on when you post.)
Also, look at the Facebook page, and you can also post here: 
For more privacy, email me at

stay beautiful, xox♥

Quotes by ShootingStarAdvice

Shooting Star Advice
Do you need advice? Do you need to vent? Do you need someone that will listen?
You can tell me anything, with the security of knowing that any information you send me will never be shared with anyone.
I will give the best advice I can, or the best reply I can to you're vent.
Think of me as you diary. Only better.
You can post on my profile you're issue or vent. It will be replied to and deleted after I am finished. (Just so you know, if you post onto my profile, there may be a chance someone will see it if I am not on when you post.)
Also, look at the Facebook page, and you can also post here: 
For more privacy, email me at

stay beautiful, xox♥
Shooting Star Advice
Do you need advice? Do you need to vent? Do you need someone that will listen?
You can tell me anything, with the security of knowing that any information you send me will never be shared with anyone.
I will give the best advice I can, or the best reply I can to you're vent.
Think of me as you diary. Only better.
You can post on my profile you're issue or vent. It will be replied to and deleted after I am finished. (Just so you know, if you post onto my profile, there may be a chance someone will see it if I am not on when you post.)
Also, you will now be able to vent/ get advice through my tumblr.
For more privacy, email me at

stay beautiful, xox♥
Shooting Star Advice
Do you need advice? Do you need to vent? Do you need someone that will listen?
You can tell me anything, with the security of knowing that any information you send me will never be shared with anyone.
I will give the best advice I can, or the best reply I can to you're vent.
Think of me as you diary. Only better.
You can post on my profile you're issue or vent. It will be replied to and deleted after I am finished. (Just so you know, if you post onto my profile, there may be a chance someone will see it if I am not on when you post.)
Also, you will now be able to vent/ get advice through my tumblr.
For more privacy, email me at

stay beautiful, xox♥
Need Advice?

Email me at
You can also just vent about your day or something in your life that you
feel is important. Your secrets will never be leaked or published anywhere, and I will help you as best as I can. I would really like to help people by giving them advice.
