
Joined: November 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 133310

Quotes by Soul_Sistuhh

Reading Every Quote
And Thinking about how screwed you would be if That Boy read what you were writing
AmAnd thinking 


Dontcha Feel Stupid #5
You flip off a boss or a teacher, then look up and realize they saw



Dontcha Feel Stupid #4

You go to a sweet sixteen, and no ones dancing, so you try to get everyone up, then you realize, its the Father-Daughter dance.




Dontcha Feel Stupid #3

 You get all hyped up about how you know something's right, and you search it on Google, and realize your wrong... then realize you just lost like 10 bucks in a bet




Dontcha Feel Stupid #2

you try to make an entrance to remember, and you trip, while everyone's watching
youYou mak 




 Doncha Feel Stupid #1 

While logging onto Facebook, you accidentally type your password into the Username slot....


I"ll go through

1000 ways to die 
to get to you


Isn't it Just So Darn Funny???
Those two, who are both...


In l o v e
          Crazy out of their minds
                    Dreaming about each other

And yet, H a v e N o F r i g g i n C l u e,
even though everyone else does...