
Status: Loving God with a full heart
Joined: June 20, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185247
Gender: F
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Tell me you love me,
and I'll be yours forever
Hey Y'all!
I am Ainsley, and I am thirteen going on fourteen! Loving life and God. I have a pretty hard life that no one
knows about and is ever gonna find out about but still i deal with it! I am very shyy and happy person.
My little cursors name is Austin Bryce(; thanks to the comments.. Oh! And my birthday is Febuary 19, any twinsies?!
 these be my church friends,
Fearthecute and fearthepresh...
I love y'all!<3
So, Follow mee(:
I love kittens and the rain, especially walking home in it!<3
I am SINGLE and LOVIN' ittt!


annnddd tonnnsss MORE(:

OH, and please see if my follow button works!(:
And like a few of my quotes, it'll make my dayyy(:
ALSO, you see the cursor??
He is my little buddy!
Comments? Love em, and i try to respond!
I love all my friends! And I'm true to my team! I bleed Crimson! Also, I am SUPER seious about school!<3
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Funny Quotes

Quotes by Squirtle713

You know what?

You are beautiful.

No matter what.

Dont listen to those "friends".

Because all that really matters is how you


and remember, that these three people will always love you:




Let me see that you actually love



I'll give a crap.

p style="text-align: center">


Whats up?
Watching tv


What are you watching on tv?
Planet Earth.. 
Oh, is that on Disney or Nick? i think I've heard of it.
It's on Animal Planet...


Seeing Patrick eat a Krabby Patty, 
and then thinking,
 Why can't McDonalds pattys look that good?


Type your name: Ainsley
Type your name with your eyes closed: Ainsley
Type your name with your elbow: ainswloey
Smack your hand on the keyboard: ygde5gt7tytytyty

    ^Wow, I am sooo talented!(:

We  are  never  too  old

to call our dad's.


E  s  p  e  c  a  i  l   l  y     w   h  e  n     w  e     n  e  e  d  
s  o  m  e  t  h  i  n  g  (  :


Format by Sandrasaurus

hey you.

yes, you. stop being unhappy with yourself, you are perfect. stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they liked someone else stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. stop hating your body, your face, your personality, and your quirks. love them for without those things you wouldn't be you and why would you want to be anyone else? be confident with who you are and smile it'll draw people in. and if anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then just tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine and to screw it because your happiness will not depend on others anymore. say i'm happy and i love who i am and i love my flaws and imperfections, because they make me me, and "me" is pretty awesome!

Me and my friend were drawing a picture for a project when my teacher came around and said,
"Wow, I like you compass! Very original!"
 It was a pizza. 

Going into the shower thinking;
"Oh, I have like 1 hour.."
Then getting out at what you think ten minutes later and then looking at the clock and thinking,
"How did I spend 50 minutes in the shower?!"