
Joined: November 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234852

Quotes by Stroud98

wake up girl hes using you.
stand up, be strong and, move on.



& Everyone has...
/////////////////   \Jumped Up & down when you see he that he texted first\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

*100% Stroud98*


You Say you miss me, but you're not doing anything about it.
Yeah, sounds convincing. You totally changed...
*100% Stroud98*

I'm starting
   to realize      that...

I can do just fine, without you...

nmf. *100% Stroud98 quote.*

Texting him first...

and getting b.u.t.t.e.r.f.i.e.s
                                                                                          [when] he t/e/x/t/s back within the same
                                                                                                                                              M I N U T E

*100% Stroud98*



I have screwed up 63% of my teenage life.
[x] Kissed someone before dating
[x] Gotten a phone taken away at school
[x] Gotten caught chewing gum
[] Gotten caught cheating on a test
Total so far: 3

[] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times
[x] Turned at least 2 projects in late
[x] Missed school just because you felt like it
[]Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total so far:6

[x] Got your mom, dad, SISTER etc to get you out of school
[x] Texted people during class
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total so far:11

[x] Took pictures during school hours
[] Called someone during school hours
[] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
Total so far: 12

[] Threw something at the teacher
[] Went outside the classroom without permission
[x] Broke the dress code
[x] Failed a class
[x] Ate food during class
Total so far: 15

[] Been called the worst student
[] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[x] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
Total so far: 17

[x] Faked your parents signature
[] Slept in class
[x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
[x] Copied homework
[] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
[x] Thrown food in the lunch room
Total so far: 21

Multiply by 3 for a total. Post as "I have screwed up 63%  of my teenage life
My legendary 8 names!
Your 8 Names:
1. YOUR REAL NAME:  Azja (asia) Rane (rain) Stroud

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (First 3 letters of your first name followed by izzle) :

3. YOUR SPY NAME (favorite color and favorite animal) Pink Zebra

4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it’s a number) Rane Woods

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name) Straz

6. YOUR SUPERHERO/CRIMINAL NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)
Purple Tea

7. YOUR TERRORIST NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your mom's maiden name, 1st letter of a siblings first name, and last letter of your mom's middle name) Zrsaja

8. YOUR GOTH NAME(dark, and the name of one of your pets) Dark Charles



t.e.x.t.s. y.o.u .f.i.r.s.t
