
Joined: October 17, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 14981

Quotes by Stuck

[x Got me sO in tO yOu boy x]

<3 ash
*)BaBii i whEn i thYnk bOuT yOu!
(*ThE 1st thIng thAt cOmes 2 MinD iS. . .
*)yOuR sMiLe aNd yOUr PretTy EyeS!
(*ThE 2nd thInG is. . . .*
*)hOw mUcH i lOv yOu!!
(*tHe 3rd tHinG is. . . .*
*)wHat aM i gOnnA dO whEn i lOoSe yOu!!

totally original!
<3 ash