
Joined: September 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124875

Hayley (:
Status/Mood: Tired, sore .. got PMS!
(Pissed at Men Syndrome)
The life of a teenager ;
I fucking love you with my whole, pink, beating heart!

^ our day!
Hello there young one(:
I'm Hayley. Just the typical 15 year old teenager!
Figure me out ; you've then accomplished some tough
shit ..
I'm a proud sophmore.
I want to be a mom one day <3333
I have  the cutest boyfriend eeeverrrrr!
I swear too much, I'm fuckingg addicted ;]

soooo.. Follow me?

Friends ;
To be with him ; to be a teacher ; a role model ; a mother ; find a good man ; become very well known on witty ; to have a younger friend ; older ? ; to get along with mom ; to re-build twin towers ; fly a helicopter ; go to Australia ; get through sex ed without shutting my eyes ; dying my hair ; getting contacts ; losing weight ; find another layout (LIKE FUCK) ; get a laptop ; fill my iPod with over 2000 songs ;  be a layout maker:) ; make a movie ; record a song ; get a boyfriend? ; fall in love ; upgrade my computer ; defeat all bitches (and fakes) ; get a boob reduction ; lipo? ;  earn over $300 in a week ; find a cute friend ; become more better with computers ; find a witty BFF ; someone leave a comment on my profile ; BE A MAN! ;  BUT MOST OF ALL ; COMPLETE ALL THESE DREAMS!

Quote Comments by SummerLovin_Foreverx33