
Joined: June 1, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 9003
HeY... i am -c h e y a n N e... i live in texas hell yah i l0ve crAig! uhh yah... byeZ x0xo... im me if u want..& tELl mEe If y0u LiKe mY qUoTeS!... ThAnKs (=..

Quotes by TeXaSbLoNdiE05

··÷··bAnGiN hOtT oNe Of A kInD··÷··
··÷··i GoT aLl ThE gUyZ sAyIn WhOa ShEs FiNe··÷··
*i lUvEd u GyrLS ThRu tHIcK N-ThIn...
u trEaTEd Me tHa bEsT iVe eVeR beEN...
Ur MoRE tHan tHe bEsT UR siSTeRS 2..
i dUNnO waT lYFE wuD Be W/ouT FRieNdZ lYKE U!*
*The Sky Is bLacK anD it Is nIghT*
*thE moOn iS ouT, thE tiMe iS riGht*
*For Me tO plAy wIth All The BoyS..*
*n mEss 'Em uP liKe lIttLe tOys*
- -i KnO U PrOLLy SeE Me As JuS a FRiEnD
N iT BrEaKzS My hEarT iN 2..
i WiSH 1 DaY Ud ReaLiZe
tHaT iM ThE PeRFeCT GiRl 4 yOu*
sweet sensati0n down 2 my spine
thinkin - b o u t - y o u - all the time
u n b e l i e v a b l e - b u t - t r u e
baby . . .im crazy about
x3. y o u .x3
xO~*I have to tell you how I feel. I cant keep this inside of me. Its all for real.
I saw you as a friend, but now its something more. It was hard to tell you
the emotion that was buried up inside. Seeing you with other girls
made me want to cry. You used to ask me who I liked. I told you there was
no one for me. Now I see. I see it was you. For all this time. Something that was
always on my mind. But now it time to tell you. I got this far. Now I've got to
sit still till I see how you feel. If you don't feel the same way I ll try to
understand. It'll be hard for me to deal. But if that's the way it
is I leave you like this sealed with a kiss.*~xO
*i ShOw yOu No eMoTiOn-DoNt LeT u SeE wHaT u Do To Me
i iMaGiNe tHe TwO oF Us tOgEtHeR-BuT i aInT bEeN LiViNg iN rEaLiTy
i dOnT cArE iF u tHiNk iM cRaZy-iT dOeSnT mAtTeR iF iT tUrNs oUt BaD
i HaVe No fEaR oF LoSiNg u-yOu CaNt LoSe wHaT yOu nEvEr HaD*
when im away from him...i complain
when im near him...i smile
when i miss him...i cry
but when i see him
i have nuthin to say
cuz the urge to kiss him
takez my breath
.a w a y.
I aLrEaDy KnEw tHe tHinGs yOu sAid wErE LiEs..
BuT i DiDn'T kNoW yOu cOulD sAy tHeM
AnD lOoK mE iN tHe eYeS..
I DoNt ThiNk u UnDeRsTaNd
HoW HaRd iT iS To TaLk To u JuSt As FriEnDs,
i wAnNa TeLL u i LoVe u
xO. . .BuT i nEvEr cAn. . .Ox
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