
Joined: September 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 214718
So I'm making a witty group, TheSwaggedOut6. If you wanna audition for the group, comment or email me at. I'll check out your quotes and see if you have what I'm looking for. I'll look at your quotes, formats, and swag! Below I have listed what you need to do to audition, and I'll let you know the results by Monday, September 12!

smile_every_now_and_then & elysaxoxo & Savanahh_Jordan & iamManny &DamnnTaylerx have been chosen so far!
Okay to join the group, here's what you need to do:
-Comment or email me
-Include your name, email, and why you think I should choose you
-Sit back and wait!
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Quote Comments by TheSwaggedOut6

TheSwaggedOut6 1 decade ago on quote #3744942
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Sorry, audition. ;)
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