
Joined: February 15, 2014
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 378895
Gender: F

Secrets, secrets...

These are things I never told people—they are things I wish I could say or could have said. Sometimes they are things I'd never be brave enough to say.

Quotes by ThingsINeverToldYou

Dear ex-crush,
You were the first person I ever had a real, agonizing crush on. Sure, there have been other guys I really thought about and adored, but none of them matched the way you made me feel. I can honestly say that I'm a different person than I was before you took control of my mind, and I guess that's a good thing, despite how truly awful I felt for months because of you. And while I'm over you, I think there will always be something there for you, even though we never had anything. It felt like we did. Maybe we almost did.