
Joined: March 2, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 3768
I have blonde hair blue eyes i love to play sports especially Field Hockey !!!! I love animals ! And i love my baby A.C.He is so sweet ! My friends r like my life i dont know wut i would do without them !!!!!!!

Quotes by TortToer03

~*~Not all scarz sho~*~
~*~Not all wounds heal~*~
~*~§umtimes u cant c~*~
~*~The pain sum1 else feels~*~
-*-*-When da sun no longer shines in da sky-*-*-
-*-*-N it'z 20 degrees below 0 in da middle of July-*-*-
-*-*-When da violets turn red-*-*-
-*-*-N roses turn blue-*-*-
-*-*-I'll still b in luv w/u-*-*-
.*.:.*.I think bout u day n nite.*.:.*.
.*.:.*.I swear that u r mr. right.*.:.*.
.*.:.*.I'll luv u more than u'll eva kno.*.:.*.
.*.:.*.Baby, thas y I'm neva lettin u go.*.:.*.