
Joined: February 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67239
Livin' Life.

Quotes by WayneSocker10

                                   Anyone Else Find It Funny,
                            The store BJ's ,                                                            Is on Hard Rd. 
Llama: Carl! There is a dead human in our house!
Carl: Oh..hey..how did he get here?
Llama: Caaaaarl! What did you dooo?
Carl: Me? uh..I didnt do this!
Llama: Explained what happened Carl!
Carl: I've never seen him before in my life!
Llama: Why did you kill this person Carl?
Carl: I do not kill people..that is my least favourite thing to do..
Llama: Tell me Carl, exactly what you were doing before I came home.
Carl: Alright..well, I was upstairs..
Llama: Okay?
Carl: I was uh..sitting in my room...
Llama: Yes..?
Carl: Reading a book..
Llama: Go on...
Carl: And, uh... well this guy walked in...
Llama: Okay?
Carl: So I went up to him..
Llama: Yes...
Carl: And I..I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.
Llama: Caaaaaaaaarl! That kills people!!
Carl: Oh, well, I didnt know that.
Llama: How could you not know that!
Carl: Yeah, I'm in the wrong here. I suck!
Llama: What happened to his hands?
Carl: What's that?
Llama: His hands. Why-why are they missing?
Carl: Well, I kind of um, cooked them up. And ate them.
Llama: Caaaaaaaaaarrrll!!!
Carl: I was hungry. And well, you know, when you crave hands...
Llama: Why on earth would you do that?
Carl: I was hungry for hands! Gimmie a break!
Llama: Caaaaaaarl!!!
Carl: My stomach was making the rumblies...
Llama: Caaarl!
Carl: That only hands could satisfy!
Llama: What is wrong with you Carl!
Carl: Well, I kill people and I eat hands, thats two things!

Llamas with Hats.
Watch it.

Rachelle: What???
Me: The giant came back and he wants to be....
Rachelle: What???
Me: FRIENDS!!!!!!!
Rachelle: OMG NO WAY!!!!!!
Me: I KNOW!!!!!!
Me: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachelle: What?
Me HE ATE ME!!!!!!!!
Rachelle: I'll get the napkins!!!!

Friends: They Help You Clean Up The Mess

Lessons can be taught,

     but it's the student who chooses to learn them.

Kind of like others but with my little twist.
Life's like a box of Chocolates,
you don't know what your gunna get.

-Forest Gump

               My friends are so great....
                         that if the  house was burning down,they  would
                be making smores and singing "Burn Baby Burn!"

Things happen in life....
                                     you just have to find a way to move on.

Spoken through experience.

                                Where did I go wrong,

                                      I lost a friend.
                  Somewhere along in the bitterness and,

                 I would have stayed up with you all night.

                  Had I known how to save a life.
Penisland the best place on Earth!

Really pronounced pen island!

[+] if you have a sick mind
[-] if you don't

this is by soccerluvbug3