
Joined: January 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262516
Hi, I am a fifteen year old girl who is just like you. I have been heartbroken, stabbed in the back, and I don't trust anyone. Yes just like you I don't associate with my ex boyfriend and have hooked up with him thinking I might have a chance again after we broke up.  I have one best friend even though I say I have five and my best friend knows every detail about me. Her name is Lily if you might ask. I am just another girl trying to find out what love is and who will be my next heart breaker. Please follow and if you need any relationship advice I am always here to help, well actually any advice in that case <3

Quotes by WheneverYouSmile

That feeling after you have been chasing for the boy of your dreams and it finally happens. Just kidding mine is in love with that witch that tripped me a mile back.

When you smile, it's like the whole world stops and it's just me and you.

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