
Status: Attempting to start the next chapter but I've been so busy. Sorry everyone!
Joined: August 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: June 14
user id: 327552
Location: Either on a computer or with my boyfriend, family, or friends(:
Gender: F
Hi there! I'm Taylor and this is my story account. I use it for my story Why I Stay. It's an abuse story. Yes, it gets pretty discriptive or violent. Yes, there is sexual abuse in it. I wanted to warn you now. It's about 19 year old Jessica and her boyfriend Alex. They graduated high school together about a year earlier and have moved out together. Things were fine until Alex started to act different. He was angry all the time and constantly screaming at her. One day, he hits her. That's how it all begins. He quickly and unexplainably begins to abuse her more and more with what seems to be each passing day. Eventually, she decides to leave but Alex catches her and forces her to stay. He's terrified her into staying because she's afraid of exactly what he's capable of doing to her. This is her story of trying to gte away from her once loving but now abusive boyfriend before things escalate beyond anything she or anyone else could ever imagine.

Thank you for reading and I hope you like it!

Also, comment feedback or even suggestions for the next chapter on my quotes or profile. It would be greatly appreciated(:

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Quotes by WhyIStay

Why I Staupdate
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written chapter 4 yet. I've been insanely busy lately but I'll try my best to get it up soon. Honestly, I don't even know what direction this next chapter is going to go in but I hope you guys like it anyways!

Why I Stay
Chapter 3

I woke in the same position we fell asleep in. I actually smiled for a second until I remembered what had happened last night. I looked up to see that Alex was still asleep. I slowly got up, trying my best not to wake him, and walked to the bathroom. Along with the fading handprint on my cheek, there was a bruise around my throat from him choking me. What was going on with him? Why was he being so insane? Just more questions that I thought would never have an answer.
I wondered if I had lost the old Alex forever. I wondered if that amazing boyfriend that actually loved me and cared about me was still in there somewhere. When I looked in the mirror and saw the bruise around my throat, I didn’t think he was but there were moments where I was proved wrong. One example was about an hour and a half after looking in the mirror.
I put on some clothes and decided to make breakfast. I always had to make Alex breakfast on his days off and today just happened to be one of them. I put eggs and some bacon in two separate pans then put some bread in the toaster. I walked back over and was flipping the eggs when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.
“Good morning babe,” Alex said, putting his head on my shoulder like he always used to do. He hadn’t done this in months so it caught me by surprise. “I loved cuddling with you last night.”
“I didn’t really have a choice, now did I?,” I mumbled.
“What harm did it do, really,” he said angrily, letting go of my waist and backing away.
“IT DID THIS,” I yelled as I turned around to show him the bruise around my throat. It seemed to have caught him off guard. He just stood there in silence, staring at the damage he caused with a slightly shocked expression on his face.
“Jessica…,” he said softly. He paused for a second then took a step towards me and grabbed my hand. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’m so sorry.”
“What about the multiple handprints you’ve left across my face too, including the one from last night?,” I asked, my voice raising slightly. “Did you mean to do those?”
“I…,” he paused again. That time, he didn’t continue talking. He looked away for a few seconds then walked into the living room and sat down. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t touch me,” he said, almost whispering.
“But babe,” I started to say before he cut me off.
“I SAID DON’T F*CKING TOUCH ME,” he yelled. He then got up and went into the bedroom. I knew not to follow him when he was angry so I stood in the living room, waiting to see if he would come back out. He did but he was fully dressed.
“I’m leaving for a while. I probably won’t be back tonight, not that you even want me here,” he plainly said before he walked out of the door. He didn’t come back that night. Honestly, it was the first night I fell asleep calmly. If only I knew the rude awakening I would get the next morning.

Authors note!!
So Alex does still have a bit of a sweet side. Does it ever come back? What will Jessica wake up to? You’ll never know until the rest of the story is revealed(:
I hope you liked it! Sorry it's a little boring. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting. Comment your feedback or for notifications! Thanks for reading!(:

Why I Stay
Chapter 2 Part 2

When he got to me, he reached down and grabbed me by the throat. He pulled me up and threw me onto the bed with so much force that I actually fell off the other side, knocking over the lamp on the nightstand in the process. I just laid there on the ground until I heard his footsteps making his way around the bed. I did the only thing I could think to do and started backing my way into the closest corner. He walked over and threw me over his shoulder. He walked to the end of the bed and threw me onto it. I just laid there with wide eyes, staring at him, hoping he would just go away but it was no use. He climbed on top of me, shoved his hands behind my back, and unhooked my bra. He then slid down, pulled off my underwear, and started taking off his clothes. He had his pants and boxers off but as he was taking off his shirt, I got up and ran towards the door. I got half way down the hallway before I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull my body against his.
“There’s no use in running babe,” he whispered into my ear. “I’ll always catch you. You’re mine. Forever and always, remember?”
He dragged me back into the bedroom, tossed me onto the bed, and climbed on top of me. I turned my head to the side so I wouldn’t have to look at him but he twisted my head back facing him so I closed my eyes.
“Look at me, you dirty lady of the night,” he said as he pushed himself inside of me.
“Stop,” I begged, trying to roll away from him but still keeping my eyes closed.
“Why should I stop? You used to love the way I felt inside you,” he laughed a little. “Now open you eyes or I’ll make this worse for you.”
I still refused to open my eyes so he slapped me, still forcing his way in and out of me. I had become used to this so I just kept my eyes closed. He slapped me a few more times before he started getting frustrated.
“B*tch, I told you to open your f*cking eyes,” he growled as he moved his hand to my throat. He started to squeeze his hand around my neck but I kept my eyes closed. Soon, it started getting hard to breathe.
“I’ll stop squeezing when you open your f*cking eyes and pretend you’re having even half as much fun as I am,” he said. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know he was smirking.
I paused for a second but slowly opened my eyes to stare into his dark brown ones. He slowly removed his hand from my throat and continued having his fun. Every time I would look away, he would force me to face him again. I could feel every part of him on top of me. I could feel every movement of him muscles as he kept pushing himself inside of me. I had to hold back tears as I stared at my once loving boyfriend forcing himself on me.
It lasted for what seemed like hours. Every once in a while he would whisper things like “You’re such a little sl*t” or “You’re my dirty little wh*re”. He would force me to kiss him every few minutes. I tried to act like I was even hardly enjoying it so he wouldn’t slap me again but it was hard to fake it when all you want him to do is stop touching you and go away.
When he decided he was done, he rolled over next to me. I looked over and saw that stupid smirk still on his face. I just curled up into a ball and turned my back to him.
“Don’t turn away from me,” he said, and put his hand on my hip. I was done fighting him so I just rolled over and faced him. He put his arm around me, pulled me close, and pushed my head so it was lying on his chest like we used to do. I could hear his heartbeat, something I used to love. Now I hated it. I wanted it to stop. I laid there for a few minutes before I noticed he was asleep by the steady rhythm of his breathing. I tried to get up but it woke him up.
“Don’t leave,” he ordered. “I want you to stay with me and lay how we used to.”
I laid back down, not wanting to fight anymore. After a while, he fell asleep. I stayed up for about an hour after he did but eventually, the stress of being physically and emotionally tired made me fall asleep. Maybe I would dream about the loving boyfriend I used to have.

Authors note!!
Yay! I only had to do 2 parts! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (parts one and two). Again, comment with feedback or for notifications(:

Why I Stay
Chapter 1

It all started about 6 months ago. Me and my boyfriend Alex had been living together a little over a year. In that year, things had begun to fall apart. He would always yell at me. He would even hit me. I didn’t want to leave him because I was in love with him. I decided I would stay. I guess I should start telling you exactly what happened. Let’s start with that first day he ever hit me.
I was standing in the bedroom putting clothes away when I heard the door slam. I sighed and walked into the living room.
“How was work, babe?,” I asked Alex.
“F*ck work,” he replied.
“I guess it didn’t go very well,” I mumbled as I walked over to a chair and watched him dig through the refrigerator. I heard a beep and realized my phone had gone off next to Alex.
“Can you get that for me babe?,” I asked.
He picked up the phone and stared at it with a puzzled look. He unlocked the screen and opened the message. A look of anger crossed his face.
“Who the f*ck is Brent and why is he telling you he loves you?,” asked Alex in a stern, angered voice. I got up and grabbed the phone from him.
“That’s my cousin,” I told him. “My mom just gave him my new number.”
“You’ve never told me about this cousin,” he said with no sign of the anger leaving.
“I didn’t feel like it was important.”
“You’re lying. Tell me who he really is.”
“I just told you. He’s my cousin.”
“Stop the bullsh*t, Jessica! Tell me who Brent really is!” He was yelling louder than I’d ever heard him before.
“I’m not lying! He’s my f*cking cousin! How could you accuse me of cheating?! I’ve done nothing but love you! I agreed to move out with you! You’ve been my everything for two f*cking years and now you’re going to accuse me of che-“
My sentence is interrupted by Alex’s hand crashing into my left cheek. I grip my face and back away.
“Don’t you ever lie to me again!,” he screams. “Go ahead and talk your ‘cousin’! I should’ve known you were a cheating wh*re anyways!”
He gave me death glare and started walking to the bedroom. When he gets to the door, he stops.
“Oh yeah. Jessica?,” he says with a slight smirk.
“What, a**hole?”
“Tell anyone I hit you and next time, it’ll be a lot worse.”
And with that, he disappeared into the bedroom.

Authors note!!
Yes, Brent is Jessica’s cousin. Alex just refuses to believe her. You’ll probably meet Brent later in the story.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! Again, comment to be notified!(:

Why I Stay

My name is Jessica. I’m 19 years old and am currently sitting in the spare room at my friend Kristina’s house. You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this. It’s because I would like to share something with you. Before I ended up here, I lived with my boyfriend. He started out as such an amazing guy. We were together for a year before we graduated high school and moved out together. Things were perfect. He would always come home with a smile on his face, even if “home” was a beat up little trailer at a trailer park in town. It was the only place we could afford. Even if it was small, I loved it because I got to be with Alex. We lived together for one amazing year before things started to change. His mood was different. All he would do is yell and scream. I yelled back at first, until he hit me. He told me if he told anyone that he had hit me, he would do it again but next time would be a lot worse. He was so much stronger than me. I was scared what he was capable of. You’re probably asking why I didn’t just leave when this started. Well, I was in love with that boy even if he did just hit me. I couldn’t leave him. I know I’m leaving this all a little vague so I guess I should start explaining. Here is my abuse story.

Authors Note!!
Hey guys! I hope you like it so far! I know it’s kind of boring but I need to start to explain what’s going on before I start the actual story. Thanks for reading! Comment for notifications on next chapters(: