
Joined: March 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 161962
im young and reckless and leanne barnard is my bestfriend♄

Quotes by Xoxmadzxox

that awkward moment when yuo tell someone they aer a horible spellr.
You should automatically know that a little kid wants your food when the say, "ooh that looks good, or oh, ive never tried that before."
Never apologize for how you feel,
it's like saying "sorry for being real."

I want you to know something, but I dont want to tell you,
but the first 3 of the sentence can tell it just fine<3
Last time I checked, I was watching men's soccer,
not auditions for biggest drama queen.

And they all lived happily ever after; reality check. 

I was mad when I saw you and her together; but then my parents told me that I had to give my toys to the less fortunate.

type your name:Madi
type your name with your elbow:mAxdsui
type your name with your eyes closed:madi
type your name with the base of your head:jmnu2w345r89
type your name with your nose:jmqqqqqqeedeiii

I was jealous when I saw HER w/ you;
Then I laughed because she wasn't pretty;*