
Joined: August 16, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 46803
myy namee is alyssaa ive been through hell and back. and i'd be happy to give advice if you need it i can pretty much help with anything and dont be afraid to ask,

Quotes by XxAlyssaaaxX

the men may wear the pants;
but its the girls that control the zippers [:
you should of opened ur eyes and seen that i was crazyyy!! about u !
life was soooo OOOooOOo simple when boys had cooties </3
drunken words are sober thoughtsss.
you know you're the shytt
when people you dont know hate you?
fake.. its the latest trend;;
[[and everyone seems to be in style]]
being happy doesnt mean everything is perfect
it means you have decided to see beyond the imperfections<3
you have to meet a few wrong ones
before you can appreciate
the right one....?
love is giving someone the power to break ur heart but trusting them not to.
isnt it funny how day by day nothing changes;
but when u look back everythings different </3

^ my fav quote everrrrrrrr