
Status: Bye-Bye Witty(:
Joined: October 24, 2009
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: October 9
user id: 91959
Location: New York
Gender: F
I've been on witty for a while now and I'm not very active anymore. So
I decided that I should leave, but sometimes I come on. I wish all of you beautiful wittians the best and a bunch of other stuff!♥
Even though I'm not on Witty, I'm friggin' tumblr. crazy so if you wanted to know anything or something then you'll most definitely find me there. Okay now...yeah...bye!

Quotes by XxDestinyxX

Looking Around
Your room and realizing you should clean it, but you just don't want to...
© XxDestinyxX(DONT REMOVE CREDIT!)/nmq

That dance
Yodwheyoput youskinnjeanon

© XxDestinyxX(DONT REMOVE CREDIT!)/nmq

Delete and Block is the modern way of
saying, "Go F*ck Yourself". 

© XxDestinyxX(DONT REMOVE CREDIT!)/nmq

Things to do everyday:

Get up



Is how your body speaks when your mouth can't explain the pain you feel.♥


Thinking it's hot outside;
putting on shorts...
But then it turns out that it's below zero.

The Awkward Moment When;
A guy bends down and his boxers are all up in your face...

I Hate It When,

I'm reading out loud in a group and all of a sudden it gets dead silent..


iPod On Shuffle:
Next...next, next, next...next, BLAH, no...nope,
next, no, no, no, next, next...OH YES!

The Awkward Moment When:
Dora has more freedom than you...nmq


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