Joined: August 22, 2009
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"Nothingness"- up in the air without a care

Hello to Anybody who's Reading this

This awesome layout (and she said to give credit so xneverforgetmex here's your credit :) was made by xneverforgetmex!. If you ever need a layout ask her!

   Anyways So I love making quotes but lately I haven't had too much time so hopefully I'll be on more :)

Happy New Year

Quotes by YDKTRM


I still think about you

I still miss you

I still love you
There is nothing wrong with change
 II    if it's in the right direction    II

+& yes I still take those stickers
f r o m  t h e  d o c t o r s  o f f i c e  w h e n  I  g e t  a  s h o t

Can you fix my
because it's
 I used to wonder why the word 'friendship' 
has the word "end" in it. I now know that frienship always ends
but if it's a good friendship, it will evolve

credit to sundance_kidz

Why does everything become a
Why does everything seem to go wrong at the same time
It seems as though the whole world is against me
and I can't do a thi
ng to help myself
But I know this will all blow over
All these issues; all this drama; all this change is making me stronger
Because when it's you vs. the world
Being strong is all you've got; and
it's a struggle you just have to win

What else can I say you 
   (_.·´¯`·×» just always take my breath away

 +& When you're really ready to grow up
please let me know; because all I see is one big baby
crying over nothing. Wake up kid this is life. And
incase you didn't know things happen that you have
no control over. But you gotta handle it. It's gonna
be hard and at times you may feel like giving up.
You can't let anyone get the best of you. Failure is just another 
part of life that you need to accept.Yes I know
my advice is harsh but hopefully you'll thank me one
day because all I'm trying to do is make you stronger.
 You know when you're in love when
he's the last person you think about before you go to sleep; & the first person you think about when you wake up
(_.·´¯`·×» and in between that he's in your dreams