
Joined: April 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 288871
Hello Beautifuls! I am a HUGE GIGANTIC HUMUNGOUS ENORMOUS fan of One Direction. This is my One Direction account. I am going to put up facts about One Direction on here and quotes by them. I get all, if not, most of my information from magazines. So I will put the fact or quote in quotations and then put the magazine or person below. I AM NOT TAKING CREDIT. I AM GIVING THE MAGAZINE CREDIT!! Just to let you know that. But anyways, now that that is out of the way, I am going to also post two other things. Fanfics and Letters. The fanfic that I am currectly working on is "Harry's Heart" and I am going to start working on "Letters to Liam" which is just a bunch of letters from me to Liam (That I'm not actually going to send) about 1D. So yah. That's about it. Bye Beautifuls! I<31D!!!
Layout made by _RandomRequests

Quotes by _OneDirection_0829


Liam Payne Fantasy

Chapter 4

*Two Months Later*


“Hey Angel,” Liam says. You wave at him through the computer screen. “I have big news,” he says, excitedly. “What?” You ask. Then you hear a bunch of laughs from the back round. Liam looks up and then bursts out laughing, too. “What’s going on?” You ask him. You were Skyping him, the only way to actually get to see him, since his time on the the X Factor UK. He was preparing to go to the Judge’s House. You are so happy for him, but you miss him a lot. “Well, Simon likes me a lot, but he thought that me and four other lads on the show would be even better as a group. So now, I’m in a band,” he says. Your face lights up. “Oh my gosh, Liam that’s great! When did this happen?” You ask. “Um, about two weeks ago. I would’ve told you sooner, but it wasn’t totally official until now,” he says. “I have spent the past fourteen days with these doofuses doing stupid things, but I have made some awesome new best friends.” He pauses and then laughs again at something that happened behind the screen. “That’s great! What’s going on back there?” You ask. “Hold on,” he says. He stands up and walks away for a minute and then comes into view again, followed by four other boys that you guess is the rest of the band. “(Y/N), this is Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall,” he says, introducing the boys. “Hi!” You say as you wave to them. “Hello!” They all wave back. You laugh. “So what are you guys going to sing at the Judge’s house?” You ask them. They all look at each other and then start singing. You recognize the song as ‘Torn.’ You smile and laugh as they start dancing. When they finish, you start screaming and clapping. “So, did you like it?” Liam asks, sarcastically. You roll your eyes. “You guys are awesome!” You say, clapping again. The other boys wave good-bye and disappear into the back again. You think that they went into another room because you don’t hear any noises anymore. “Finally, some peace and quiet,” Liam says leaning back in his chair. “Does that mean you lied when you say that you liked them?” You say with a smirk. “Oh no, no. I love them. It’s only been two weeks and we are all like brothers. We got along right away, it’s just that I have been with them every second since we became a band,” he explains. Right as he finishes his last sentence, you hear loud screaming and laughing. “You can go,” you say, even though you don’t want him to. “No,” he says. “Why not?” You ask. “Because I want to to talk to you,” he says, smiling. You smile back. “I miss you so much,” you sigh. “I miss you, too,” he says. “But, I have good news!” He says, becoming happy again. “You’re getting a hair cut?” You ask, jumping up. You had been bugging him to get a haircut for a long time. He was cute and handsome, but his hair was too much like Justin Bieber. He laughs. “No, I’m not getting a haircut, but you are getting a present in the mail.” You jump up. “Hold on,” you tell him. You run outside to your mailbox and pull out a pile of envelopes. You quickly flip through them as you walk inside. Bill, bill, bill. Then you see your name written in familiar handwriting. Sure enough, Liam Payne is the person to return it to. You sit back down at your computer and hold the envelope up, so Liam could see it. “Open it,” he says. You rip it open and find one ticket to the first live show of the X Factor UK and a backstage pass. “I get to see you!” You shout. “You get to see me, next week,” he says. “There are also plane tickets in there. You have a reservation for the hotel room next to ours. Everything is all set, you just have to say yes,” he says. “Yes!” You say, excitedly. You get to see Liam again, finally. 


AN: Chapter 4!! So I wanna know who's reading so could you take the one second you need to press that heart up there? It would mean a lot. But anyways, I kindof love this story! I have like 5 chapters already written. So if you like it too could you comment 'Stop the Traffic'? Okay that's all. Thx! Luv U!


Liam Payne Fantasy

Chapter 3


“Liam! Where are we going!” You say, getting annoyed. “Were almost there,” he says, putting his hand on your shoulder. “Come on please tell me. I want to know where you are taking me. Come on, please?” You beg. “Okay, take off the blindfold,” he says, stopping the car. You pull of the blindfold and gasp at the sight of what is in front of you. You see a pond, but not the one at the park. A different one that you have never seen. There is a picnic table at the edge of the pond. Around it, on the sand, are a bunch of rose petals. On the table is a picnic basket. You turn to Liam. “Happy two year anniversary!” He shouts, kissing you. You hug him. “Thank you,” you say. You forgot about it and you feel bad, but you will find a way to make it up to him. He gets out of the car and comes over to the passenger side and opens the door for you. He holds out his hand and you take it. He helps you out of the car and then leads you to the table. You sit down and he sits across from you. “Okay, let’s see here,” he says, grabbing the basket. “We’ve got...tuna fish sandwiches. Not very fancy, but they’re your favorite,” He says, laughing and taking two bags out of the basket. He hands one to you and then puts the other one in front of him. You look at the sandwich and laugh. “It’s in the shape of a heart,” you say. “My mom made it. You know I can’t really cook,” he says smiling. “Well, tell her I said thank you,” you say, taking a bite. “Okay,” Liam says. He reaches into the basket again and pulls out a bottle. “Sparkling Cider?” He asks. You nod and he takes out two clear plastic cups. He pours some into each cup. He hands one to you and then lifts up his cup. “To us,” he toasts. You lift up your cup. “To us,” you repeat. He smiles at you as he takes a sip of the cider. His eyes never leave you and his smile never fades. “What?” You laugh. “How did I end up with such a wonderful, beautiful, amazing, smart, funny, perfect girl, like you, that I don’t deserve?” He asks. “You do deserve a girl like that, but I am not any of those things,” you say. “Are you kidding me? You are definitely all of those things. Your mine, and I love you so much. All the way to the moon and back,” he says. He stands up and walks over to you. He sits next to you and put his arm around your shoulder and kisses the top of your head. “You are my life! And I love you!” Liam says. “I love (Y/N)!” Liam shouts. His voice echoes across the lake. You laugh and rest your head on his shoulder. When you are done with your sandwich, Liam pulls out a bag of brownies. “Your mom?” You ask. He nods. “Yum!” You say, as he hands you a brownie and you take a big bite. You love Liam’s mom’s brownies. He laughs and takes a bite of his brownie. When you’re done eating, you lie down together on the beach, your head on his chest, and stare up at the stars. Liam sings another song that he wrote that is also one of your favorites. It’s called ‘Star Light.’ He sings you into a dreamless sleep.

AN: Chapter 3!! So I wanna know who's reading so could you take the one second you need to press that heart up there? It would mean a lot. But anyways, I kindof love this story! I have like 5 chapters already written. So if you like it too could you comment 'Stop the Traffic'? Okay that's all. Thx! Luv U!


Liam Payne Fantasy

Chapter 2

There is a knock on your door. You don’t even have to look through the peephole to know right away who it is. “Liam!” You shout, opening the door and jumping into his arms. He spins you around and kisses you. “Wow, I could barely stand three days away from you. How am I going to stand three weeks?” He smiles as he puts you down. “It’s going to be longer than that,” you say. “I don’t want it to, but I know that it will be. You are such a good singer.” “Thanks, Angel,” he says in his beautiful british voice. He puts his arm around your shoulder as you to start walking towards your favorite place in town; the park. Liam sings ‘Cry Me a River,’ his audition song, to you. When you get to the park, you sit on your usual bench, next to the pond. “I have something for you,” Liam says. “What’s that?” You ask him. He hands you a small box, wrapped in baby blue wrapping paper. You open it up and inside, is a necklace. Attached between two ends was gold letters, spelling out, “Liam Payne’s #1 Fan,” you smile. “It’s beautiful,” you say. “Not as beautiful as you,” he says. “Thank you,” you say as you kiss him and wrap your arms around him. “Now I have something big planned for tonight,” he says. “Go get changed and then I’m going to bring you on a date,” he says, smiling. You smile back. “Where?” You ask. “It’s a surprise,” he says. “Wear something fancy, but no makeup.” You give him a confused look. “Why no makeup?” You ask. “You look even more beautiful without it. Makeup is fake. I like the real you better.” You kiss him and run home. You change into a blue mini dress that had a diamond covered belt. You curl your hair and put in a white head band. You reach for you makeup, but pull back, remembering what Liam had said. You smile and then search for the necklace that Liam got you. You can’t find it anywhere. You start freaking out and frantically running around your room. “Looking for something?” You here a familiar voice say. You turn and see Liam leaning against your door, holding the necklace. You let out a sigh of relief us you hug him. “Turn around,” he says. You turn and face the back wall of you room as he pulls your hair over your shoulder. He puts the necklace around your neck and then wraps his arms around your neck. You hold them and he starts singing ‘Fine By Me,’ to you. He rocks you back and forth and when he finishes the song, he picks you up, bridal stye and carries you to his car. You get in and then he gets in on the driver’s side. He hands you a blindfold. “Put this on,” he says. “Why?” You ask. “It’s a surprise,” he replies. You shrug and tie the black cloth around your eyes and sit back in the seat. Liam sings a song that he wrote called ‘I Love You.’ It’s your favorite of all the songs he likes to sing because he wrote it about you. You sing along, even though your voice isn’t good. You know Liam doesn’t care, though. He likes you for you. He loves you for you.

AN: Chapter 2!! So I wanna know who's reading so could you take the one second you need to press that heart up there? It would mean a lot. But anyways, I kindof love this story! I have like 5 chapters already written. So if you like it too could you comment 'Stop the Traffic'? Okay that's all. Thx! Luv U!


Liam Payne Fantasy

“I’m going to miss you so, so, so much,” you say as tears stream down your face. Your boyfriend, Liam, kisses you on the lips and wraps his arms around you. “I’m going to come back in a week,” he says. “It’s going to be okay.” Tears stream down your face. “I know that, but I also know that you are going to go so far on the X Factor and after that, you will always be busy,” you say through sobs. “But, I will always have time for my  Angel,” he says hugging you. You cry into his chest, getting his shirt all wet. “Oh god, I’m going to miss you!” He finally said, breaking out into unstoppable sobs. You stand up on your tippy-toes so you can reach his lips and you kiss him. “Liam, Honey, let’s go,” you hear Liam’s mom say. “Good Luck,” you say. You turn around and watch as he walks away. He looks back at you, one more time, and blows you a kiss. You pretend to take it and then put in your back pocket. You stand there, even as Liam is out of sight, and cry. He was leaving to audition, again, for the X Factor, UK. He had auditioned when he was fourteen, but Simon Cowell said that he was too young. Now he was going back and you were positive that he would make it farther than he did before. You finally turn away and go home. For the rest of the day, you lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Liam and listening to a CD he recorded of all of the songs you loved to hear him sing. It was recorded from his computer, so it sounded kind of funny, but it was still the best gift you have ever received.

Two days later, your phone rings. On the screen, you see ‘Him<3’ as the caller ID. “Liam!” You say as you answer your phone. You could hear him crying. “What’s wrong?” You ask, honestly confused. He couldn’t have been rejected. He was so good, better than he was two years ago. “I made it,” is all he says. You scream. “I knew it!” You shout. “I am so proud of you. You are going to win this thing!” You say. “Thanks,” he says. “I’m coming home tomorrow and then I have to leave again in two weeks.” You frown. “So soon?” You ask. “Yah, I know. I’m sorry,” he says. “It’s okay. Liam, you are chasing your dreams. That’s absolutely amazing. I wouldn’t have the guts to chase mine. You are amazing and no matter how far away you are or how much I get to see you, I will always love you,” you say. “I love you, too, Angel,” You smile. “(Y/N)!” You hear your mom shout. “Oh, I have to go eat dinner. I will see you tomorrow?” You ask. “Can’t wait,” he replies. “I love you,” he says as he hangs up.

AN: This is a Liam Payne Fantasy. I am going to try and post a chapter a day, but I won't be here Monday-Friday, so I think I will post some more today and then a ton on friday. I love comments, more than favs but if you could fav so I know who's reading it. But comment with feedback, please. I also have a Harry Styles one, that I have finished, so I will start posting chapters from that, when I'm done with this one. Any requests for other One Direction Fantasies can be made on my Profile. Thx! Luv U!

"Harry tries to only drink water, but he loves apple juice."

- J-14 Magazine

"Zayn's favorite computer game is 'Halo'." 

- J-14 Magazine

"Liam really likes legos."

- J-14 Magazine