
Joined: November 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 137130

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Hey! Im just a girl who loves to laugh and is obsessed with the summer time. I like my nails to be painted fun colors and Im always up for a great movie. I have a crush on Derek Hough and I rely on Taylor Swift to help me with thee boyss. Im not going to lie, I am pretty uncoordinated, but I dance around my room to music anyways. I have a passion for fashion (I know that sounds cliche) &&& I love to express myself on witty. 

Quotes by alliemo

mate.diu use a british accent? yeaaaa, me neither.

I know people change and these things
happen but I remember how it was


          back then .          
i guess i wished on a plane

I thought was a star...

throwing pennies at a fountain

but when you're standing on a mountain

its kinda hard to aim..

I don't know what's down this road 
I'm just

[[ w a l k i n g ]]

"The nicest thing for me is sleep,                      
                then at  least I can dream."


-Marilyn Monroe