
Joined: March 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 70441
good morning sunshine <3
good, you're awake sleepy headdd! well you are probably thinking, what the fuuuuck happened to my profile? well...i redid it for you!! why? because it is 11 ohh clock and im bored. (: so everyone: this is kendra (oosmiley1oo) not ashley!! ...well i can't wait for sugar creek next week! gonna be a blast (: especially seeing you freaking out about all the bugs and crap (: oh yeah hope you don't mind that i took over your profile! haha. it was boring so i decided to redo it. this still sucks, but it was funner that writing you a comment and i'll redo it again sometime to make it even prettier!
okay byee ashley x3

would you like to know about this freak i call my best friend?
well her name is ashley. i tend to call her ash-hole. hehe (:
this chicka is fourteen years young as of October 10th.
she likes to call wisconsin her home. it's not L.A. here, but we have fun (:
this girl is probably the most random person you will ever meet. :P
she is a brunette, but probably meant to be blonde.
i mean COME ON ashley, potatoes do not grow on trees xP

where do i  come in to all this?
well i'll get to ash-hole's friends.
she has two
AMAZING friends.
one being meeeee of course lmao.
and the other we like to call momsie or betsie.
her real name is maisie that's not good enough for her :P
together, ohhh man, together we are the most craaazzzzy people on this eartth.
i mean it's not like we think we're from a different country and have our own accents, we're not that crazy, but we're pretty insane. let's just say we are immature freaks who act like we are 2. no two year olds are probably cooler than us xP
but whatever. you know what they say, lifes too short to be cool!

summertime.jpg s u m m e r t i m e x 3 picture by __flyawayy
this amazing picture was taken by ashley and edited by kendra <3

i love you
-> kendra x3
aka ashley's profile writerer person xP
wowww good thing i dont give
my paswords to retards huh
lmao thanx loserrr!!!!
.......its better than i coulda done


º life is short. so crank up the volume and rockout aaaa

idk bout u guys but wittys gettin borinngg!
so im not on at all anymoree... :(