
Joined: February 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 272785
I love you John(:


My name is Alex(: I'm your average 15 year old gal. Southern girl(: Born and raised in Orlando, Florida, but moved to Georgia when I was about 8. Panic! at the Disco is my favorite band. I live off of soccer and lax. Going up into the mountains and spending a few days in our small family cabin is how I like to spend my free time. I am in love with my boyfriend, John. 5-17-11(: I love that boy with all my heart. We have been through so much together. He means the world to me. I love white water rafting and kayaking. My mother died of lung cancer. I miss her dearly. She was my best friend. 8-1-08, r.i.p, you will always be remembered mommy. I play the piano and the drums, and I sing a bit(: I love to watch Glee and Fear Factor. Totally for gay rights. If you ever need to talk, I am always here to listen(;

'Cause, if we stand for nothing,
we'll fall for anything.

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