
Joined: January 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 147113

Quotes by blackeyedpeagurl923

awkwardly liking guys that their first names all start with a's...... no joke :P

best day:   the guy i like is conducting the band.... i sit in the front row,,,,, i look up- hes looking at me <3:)<3

the whispers turn to shouting
the shouting turns to tears
your tears turns into laughter
and takes away our fears

secondhand serenade - a twist in my story<3<3
The awkward moment when you realize that you have a new fav song every day...

Love is elementary like 1-2-3, 1-2-3

-Simple little melody - black eyed peas

Just because I didn't forward the chain email, doesn't mean i'm going to be haunted for the rest of my life