
Joined: February 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 270846
I'm quite a private person, and I think too much about things... I could sit here forever trying to come up with things to say to make you my personality. But chances are you've already made your judgment just by looking at my pictures. I will never change myself to impress anyone and if you're too stuck up and make an opinion before you even get to know me, then that's your loss. I'm currently single and NOT looking. Because unlike 98% of the female population, I don't need a guy to make me happy. If I meet someone who makes me happy that could change, but I'm very picky. I'm changing a lot because I'm growing up. Even so, I'm still a little kid inside. I'll never break a pinky promise. I'm very protective over the people I care about. I'm not afraid to stick up for myself even if I'm a foot shorter than everyone else I know. I love people who speak their mind. If you can play the piano or guitar, I'll most likely fall in love with you. I think that's all I have to say, get to know me if you wanna know more. I dislike onions and cooked carrots. Dandruff and bad breath will make me walk away from you as quickly as possible. I hate attention whores and people who lack self respect. I despise people who act like they're drunk or high when they really aren't. I'll rip your face off if you make anyone close to me cry. I'm a stubborn, strong-minded girl. I'm a lot to handle but I can be a good friend to you if you prove to me you're worth my time. For those of you wondering, I'm English. I love learning about new cultures and what they do. I just find it really cool how what we do, is so different from what they do. Photography is one of the many things I enjoy to do. I'm going green. 

Quotes by blowmindsn0tguys

0 faves= i'm ugly

3 faves=i'm ok
7 faves=i'm cute
15 faves=i'm hot
25 faves= i'm gorgoues 
30 faves= im breathtaking
Repost this if your not afraid:)

Can't stand me? Sit down. Can't Face me? Turn around. Don't like me? Good for you, I'm not going to stop my life for you.
 Aint nothing wrong with a little jealousy problems in a relationship It is just a reminder that your  partner really does care & love you.. & they are scared they'll lose you to another person...♥
Yes, being in love is an amazing, beautiful thing♥ But... When love turns into hatred, & hearts begin to break, love is no longer bearable..
the littlest things make me laugh.
it’s not hard to please me.
i’ma free-spirit. i’m strong and determined.
i love to look at the stars. i’m just a girl.
&& that’s all i wanna be.
Facts about Guys #30
 He’ll never let you down. That boy’s got a heart the size of Kentucky and he loves you. That’s important. Take it from someone who knows. My mom used to tell me that whatever you do, marry someone who loves you more than you love him.
“Tell a girl she’s pretty, and she won’t believe you. Tell her she’s ugly and she will believe it forever.”

“I’m not perfect, im pretty far from it. Sometimes i stutter, I mess things up, I always say the wrong thing, I do weird stuff, I dont get the best grades, i’m not gorgeous, and I dont get everything i want..but, hey, im still trying..and i like to believe thats all that matters.”

There is inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. there is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn’t thrown off by obstacles along the way. there is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences - who knows she can fall, pick herself up and move on.